Interprestation | Advanced Genomic Analysis Software

From your bench top to curated results powered by GTC

From your benchtop to curated results powered by GTC

Simplify the hard part of your NGS testing

Interprestation | Advanced Genomic Analysis Software

Interprestation is a suite of software solutions designed to automate the process of analysis of GTC’s next-gen sequencing profiles.

What is Interprestation?

A web based user interface for pathologists to review, analyze and sign out results that can be used anywhere, anytime.

Empowering pathologists to utilize the capabilities of NGS in their own labs

Instead of sending out to reference labs, run testing in your own lab to meet the increasing complexity of precision medicine which traditional approaches like IHC, FISH, flow cytometry etc. will struggle to support. 

Interprestation is efficient and will simplify your workflow

What powers GTC Interprestation:

GTC Interpret: A summary of the data generated by the software suite below.

    • GTC Variant Caller: Smart variant caller  
    • GTC CNV: Determine copy number loss/gain at the individual gene and exon 
    • GTC Smart Diagnosis: Compare level of RNA and predict diagnosis 
    • GTC Workstation: Determine HRD, TMB, HLA and IgHV mutation status
    • GTC Analytics: Generate clinical report: Curating findings, list and description of drugs, clinical trials, references, etc.  
    • GTC Database: Extract data from individual reports and generates large database  
    • GTC Pathways (Pathway Finder): Determine the biological pathway based on the findings  

See how Interprestation works

In the ever-evolving field of precision medicine, pathologists face the challenge of sequencing and analyzing complex next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. When using kits, the sequencing part is straightforward. Managing the analysis and presentation of data is the challenging piece.

Using off-the-shelf software will not deliver comprehensive results and may require several different software solutions and interfaces to analyze the genomic data.

Interprestation is designed specifically to be used with specially designed DNA and RNA panels that provide solutions for comprehensive molecular profiling of cancers.

We eliminate the risk of failure for internalizing NGS by providing all the pieces needed to perform testing from SOP’s, reagents, software and more.

Key Features:

  • Data Organization and Presentation:
    GTC’s software organizes NGS data through licensed medical technologists, presenting clear, concise summaries for easy review. Users log in to a web-based portal to view and sign off cases.
  • Comprehensive Quality Control:
    Ensures reliable DNA/RNA sequencing with detailed quality metrics, including splicing percentages and sequencing depth.
  • Mutations and Chromosomal Analysis:
    Users can inspect mutations (DNA & RNA), chromosomal gains/losses, and gene amplification with detailed visualizations and customizable reporting options.
  • AI-Powered Diagnostic Tools:
    Leverages advanced AI models (Naive Bayes, Random Forests, SVM, Deep Learning) for precise diagnostic predictions in solid tumors and hematologic diseases.
  • Fusion Detection & Clonality Analysis:
    Detects fusions, evaluates immunoglobulin clonality, and analyzes T-cell and B-cell receptor gene expression.
  • Gene Expression Analysis:
    Analyzes over 1600 genes, offering insight into immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry relevance, as well as HLA genotype expression.

    Our software is continuously updated with the latest advancements in genomic analysis, helping pathologists provide the highest level of diagnostic accuracy.